Dumbell and barbell racks - Shelf dimensions - 100 x 24 cm

There are dumbbell racks in just about every gym in the world. They are specifically designed so that the dumbbells can be stored on them in a certain order, from lightest to heaviest. This way, gym visitors don't have to search for the weight they want to exercise with - it's immediately clear which one to choose.

Why to get a dumbbell rack?

There are several reasons:

  • It is possible to store dumbbells on the floor, but with some types of flooring there would be a risk of damage. This can be easily avoided by using a rack.
  • A clearly designated place for your dumbbells will keep the gym tidy and organized.
  • Visitors can immediately see whether or not dumbbells in their desired weight are available.
  • Visitors will be even more motivated - they will clearly which weights they have yet to conquer.

What are the differences and how to choose?

First and foremost, look at how sturdy the construction is. The rack must be able to hold tens of kilograms. Because of the high load, it should have rubber feet - that way it will not damage the floor. The rack itself is usually made of metal, but it is best if the individual floors are covered with rubber. The rubber protects the rack and the dumbbells, and placing the dumbbells on rubber-covered surface makes much less noise.

Classic dumbbell racks have more than one tier - two or three are the ideal number, as higher tiers make it harder to remove the dumbbells. The width of the rack then determines how many pairs of dumbbells can fit on it. Special types of racks are sold for hexagonal dumbbells.

The squat rack - Multifunction rack for athletes of all levels

Squat racks are highly versatile racks designed for multiple exercises. The steel structures in our range can additionaly be used for stretching gymnastic rings, expanders, TRX, triceps bars and other equipment.

The selection criteria are the same as for dumbbell racks. The base must be stable, rubber-covered models are especially practical. It is also necessary to make sure that the length of the dumbbell holders matches the length of the dumbbell you will use.

Choose from our StrongGear dumbbell racks! Our premium fitness equipment is perfect for both large gym centres and home gyms.