Olympic Ez curl Bar

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76 Punkte für das Treusystem

Is a curved Olympic Bar, which is designed primarily for the exercise of the biceps muscle. The bar rotates on 2 ball bearings. Mehr

Hersteller: StrongGear Produktkode: P00008 Versand und Zahlung

76,40 € mit MwSt.

Auf Lager - Produkt ist auf Lager

Is a curved Olympic Bar, which is designed primarily for the exercise of the biceps muscle. The bar rotates on 2 ball bearings. Mehr

Hersteller: StrongGear Produktkode: P00008 Versand und Zahlung

Safety Olympic EZ - bar

The EZ bar serves for strengthening the forearms, biceps and triceps. Thanks to the curved grip, compared to the straight bars, much less pressure is applied to your wrists and elbows. The harder the training is the bigger muscles you build. 

Ez bar

Precise knurling

Fine and gentle at the same time. The result is that the bar fits perfectly in your hands.

Ez bar

Chromed surface

Bright silver hard chrome makes your bar protected from corrosion and gives it a luxury design.

Ez bar

Perfect grip diameter

Exact diameter of 28 mm allows the grip to remain stable and safe even during the hardest training.

Ez bar

Ergonometric shape

The StrongGear EZ - bar can reduce wrist overload so you can avoid wrist injuries. This is a popular alternative to straight bars and is traditionally used by many athletes in rehabilitation training.

Ez bar

2 ball bearings

It allows rotation of the bar sleeves even if heavily loaded so your wrists will not be hurt.

Ez bar

Olympic diameter of sleeves

With 50 mm diameter you can affix all standard Olympic plates. You do not have to buy any new or special plates for this type of diameter.

High quality steel

The bar is made of our strongest steel.  Which means the bar is perfectly strong and do not swing even if heavily loaded.

Perfectly weighted

Weighting balance is a guarantee from our very good manufacturing process. Our product is perfectly balanced which you appreciate during your training.

Low weight

Low weight but still high load capacity up to 200 kg. This means, that you can load heavy weights on your bar and you can not damage it.

Universal and safe barbell

EZ - bar has 9 kg and it is a very universal bar. You can train almost all muscle groups. Neutral grip will suit to majority of male and female population.

Great workout with EZ - bar

It might seem that the EZ - bar was created only for bicep curls but it is not truth. This bar offer you a lot of variations of exercise that are good for your arms but you can train a shoulders, chest, back muscles etc. as well. The bar was invented by L. G. Dymeck and he recommended to change grips in different positions for harmonic development of the muscular system.

EZ – bar exercises:

  • Spider curl
  • EZ - bar curl
  • EZ - bar press on the bench
  • EZ - bar skull crusher on the bench
  • Triceps extensions
  • Bent Over Barbell Row
  • Military press with EZ - bar
  • Upright Row with EZ-bar

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You can return for FREE all goods until 30 days without giving reason. This means that we pick up the goods that you want to return at your place for free and return the money to your account within 3 days after returning the goods. You need only to write an email to info@stronggear.eu or call +420 777 670 947. The goods must be properly packed to avoid any damage during transportation and must in the same condition. We are not a rental. The guarantee is there for trying the equipment, not for its repeated use.

Länge 120 cm
Sleevelänge 17,6 cm
Grifflänge 81,6 cm
Lagern 2 Ballbuchsen
Max Tragkraft 200 kg
Anwendung Zusätzliche Übungen
Sleeveoberflächenfinish Chrom poliert
Griffoberflächenfinish Chrom poliert
Sleevediameter 50 mm
Griff Diameter 28 mm
Zentral Rändeln Ohne Rändeln
Hantelstangetyp Special
Gewicht 9 kg
Hantelstangemarkierung -